Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are the group of  vegetables belonging to the family Brassicaceae, including cauliflower, cabbage, cress, bok choy, broccoli etc.
Broccoli is a mustard/cabbage plant, belong to the family Brassicaceae. It has large flower heads, usually green in color and the mass of flower heads is surrounded by leaves and evolved from a wild cabbage plant on the continent of Europe.

Nutrients and chemical constituents
1. Carbohydrates
2. Sugars
3. Dietary fiber
4. Omega 3 fatty acid
5. Protein
6. Beta-carotene
7. Lutein and
8. Zeaxanthin
9. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
10. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
11. Niacin (Vitamin B3)
12. Pantothenic acid (B5)
13. Vitamin B6
14. Folate (Vit. B9)
15. Vitamin C
16. Calcium
17. Tryptophan
18. Iron
19. Magnesium
20. Phosphorus
22. Zinc
23. Etc.
Its chemical constutuents include  glucosinolates, dithiolthiones, indoles , glucoraphanin, s-methyl cysteine sulfoxide, isothiocyanates, indole-3-carbinol, etc..

1. Cruciferous vegetables and prostate cancer
Cruciferous vegetables are the group of  vegetables belonging to the family Brassicaceae, including cauliflower, cabbage, cress, bok choy, broccoli etc.
Prostate cancer is defined as a condition in which the cells of prostate has become cancerous, causing abnormal cell growth which spread to the distant parts of the body. Most prostate cancers are slow growing and enlarged prostate and prostate cancer may be detected during the Physical (rectum) exams.

Nutrients and chemical constituents
1. Carbohydrates
2. Sugars
3. Dietary fiber
4. Omega 3 fatty acid
5. Protein
6. Beta-carotene
7. Lutein and
8. Zeaxanthin
9. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
10. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
11. Niacin (Vitamin B3)
12. Pantothenic acid (B5)
13. Vitamin B6
14. Folate (Vit. B9)
15. Vitamin C
16. Calcium
17. Tryptophan
18. Iron
19. Magnesium
20. Phosphorus
22. Zinc
23. Etc.
Its chemical constutuents include  glucosinolates, dithiolthiones, indoles , glucoraphanin, s-methyl cysteine sulfoxide, isothiocyanates, indole-3-carbinol, etc..

The benefits
Epidemiologically, chemical constituents of cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli has shown to decrease incidence of prostate cancer. The depletion of gene of GSTM1 genotype of Glutathione S-transferase (GST) enzymes may be associated with an increased risk of cancer as these depletion reduced the function of GST in detoxifying certain potentially carcinogenic compounds. Study of broccoli involved the changes in global gene expression patterns in the human prostate gland before, during and after a 12 month broccoli-rich diet, showed  broccoli enhances the detoxified function of GSTM1 genotype resulting in complex changes to signalling pathways associated with inflammation and carcinogenesis in the prostate, through the interaction from the breakdown of glucosinolates—sulfur-containing compounds found in cruciferous vegetables with a signal sequence in the plasma. In other study, the effects of potent sulforaphane of isothiocyanates (ITCs) in broccoli, consistently found to be associated with reduced risk of prostate cancer, especially among men with GSTM1-present alleles, and may be used as chemopreventive agents against prostate cancer, with two or more servings per month.
Other study insisted that Selenium-enriched broccoli sprouts were superior to normal broccoli sprouts in inhibiting cell proliferation, decreasing prostate-specific antigen secretion, and inducing apoptosis of prostate cancer cells.

The Side effects1. People who has over production of IgM immunoglobulins which makes blood thicken should talk to their doctor before taking high amount of broccoli.
2. Allergic reaction??
3. Etc.

(1) Broccoli consumption interacts with GSTM1 to perturb oncogenic signalling pathways in the prostate by Traka M, Gasper AV, Melchini A, Bacon JR, Needs PW, Frost V, Chantry A, Jones AM, Ortori CA, Barrett DA, Ball RY, Mills RD, Mithen RF.(PubMed)
(2) GSTT1 and GSTM1 null genotypes and the risk of gastric cancer: a case-control study in a Chinese population by Setiawan VW, Zhang ZF, Yu GP, Li YL, Lu ML, Tsai CJ, Cordova D, Wang MR, Guo CH, Yu SZ, Kurtz RC.(PubMed)
(3) Cruciferous vegetables, genetic polymorphisms in glutathione S-transferases M1 and T1, and prostate cancer risk by Joseph MA, Moysich KB, Freudenheim JL, Shields PG, Bowman ED, Zhang Y, Marshall JR, Ambrosone CB.(PubMed)
(4) Selenium enrichment of broccoli sprout extract increases chemosensitivity and apoptosis of LNCaP prostate cancer cells by Abdulah R, Faried A, Kobayashi K, Yamazaki C, Suradji EW, Ito K, Suzuki K, Murakami M, Kuwano H, Koyama H.(PubMed)

2. Cruciferous vegetables and breast cancer
Cruciferous vegetables are the group of  vegetables belonging to the family Brassicaceae, including cauliflower, cabbage, cress, bok choy, broccoli etc.
Breast cancer (malignant breast neoplasm) is a cancer that starts in the tissues of the breast either from the inner lining of milk ducts (Ductal carcinoma) or the lobules (Lobular carcinoma) that supply the ducts with milk. there is also rare cases that breast cancer starts in other areas of the breast.

Nutrients and chemical constituents
1. Carbohydrates
2. Sugars
3. Dietary fiber
4. Omega 3 fatty acid
5. Protein
6. Beta-carotene
7. Lutein and
8. Zeaxanthin
9. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
10. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
11. Niacin (Vitamin B3)
12. Pantothenic acid (B5)
13. Vitamin B6
14. Folate (Vit. B9)
15. Vitamin C
16. Calcium
17. Tryptophan
18. Iron
19. Magnesium
20. Phosphorus
22. Zinc
23. Etc.
Its chemical constutuents include  glucosinolates, dithiolthiones, indoles , glucoraphanin, s-methyl cysteine sulfoxide, isothiocyanates, indole-3-carbinol, etc..

The benefits
 In 2010, over 250,000 new cases of breast cancer were diagnosed in women in the U.S. alone and the risk of getting invasive breast cancer during life time of a women is 1/8. isothiocyanates, chemical compound derived from Cruciferous vegetables has shown to be effective in anti cell proliferation, apoptosis cancer cells. In the study of the cytotoxicity of human breast cancer MCF-7 and human mammary epithelium MCF-12A cell lines, the derivcd ompound found in isothiocyanates exerted its anti breast cancer activity with benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC), beta-phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC), Sulforaphane and NITC inhibited the growth of human breast cancer cells as well as human mammary epithelium cells at concentrations similar to those of the chemotherapeutic drug daunomycin (DNM). Other study indicated that sources of ITCs of  isothiocyanates reduced the risk of  breast cancer risk in menopausal women, through the interaction of the detoxified function of glutathione S-transferases (GSTs). Unfortunately, Depletion of GSTP1 is associated to increased risk of certain cancers.

The Side effects1. People who has over production of IgM immunoglobulins which makes blood thicken should talk to their doctor before taking high amount of broccoli.
2. Allergic reaction??
3. Etc.

(1) Dietary organic isothiocyanates are cytotoxic in human breast cancer MCF-7 and mammary epithelial MCF-12A cell lines by Tseng E, Scott-Ramsay EA, Morris ME.(PubMed)
(2) Breast cancer risk in premenopausal women is inversely associated with consumption of broccoli, a source of isothiocyanates, but is not modified by GST genotype by Ambrosone CB, McCann SE, Freudenheim JL, Marshall JR, Zhang Y, Shields PG.(PubMed)
(3) Cruciferous vegetables, the GSTP1 Ile105Val genetic polymorphism, and breast cancer risk by Lee SA, Fowke JH, Lu W, Ye C, Zheng Y, Cai Q, Gu K, Gao YT, Shu XO, Zheng W.(PubMed)

3. Cruciferous vegetables and cancer prevention
Cruciferous vegetables are the group of  vegetables belonging to the family Brassicaceae, including cauliflower, cabbage, cress, bok choy, broccoli etc.
Cancer is a class of diseases in which a group of cells growing and multiplying disordered and uncontrollable way in our body, have become progressively worse and damaged other healthy tissues, sometimes spreads to other organs in the body via lymph or blood and results may be in death.

Nutrients and chemical constituents
1. Carbohydrates
2. Sugars
3. Dietary fiber
4. Omega 3 fatty acid
5. Protein
6. Beta-carotene
7. Lutein and
8. Zeaxanthin
9. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
10. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
11. Niacin (Vitamin B3)
12. Pantothenic acid (B5)
13. Vitamin B6
14. Folate (Vit. B9)
15. Vitamin C
16. Calcium
17. Tryptophan
18. Iron
19. Magnesium
20. Phosphorus
22. Zinc
23. Etc.
Its chemical constutuents include  glucosinolates, dithiolthiones, indoles , glucoraphanin, s-methyl cysteine sulfoxide, isothiocyanates, indole-3-carbinol, etc..

The benefits
Consumption of Cruciferous vegetables is known for its interaction with with detoxification enzymes in reducing the risk of cancer. sulforaphane (SF) derived from isothiocyanates, a major phytochemical found in broccoli  is associated to the tissue uptake level of SF in the body organ with increased levels of glutathione S-transferases (GSTs)  and NQO1(member of the NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone) family) genes varied by 3- to 6-fold among the organs of SF-treated rats. The chemopreventive properties of  sulforaphane and its effect on cancer stem cells (CSCs) may be another source for initiating and maintaining cancer, as  sulforaphane may target CSCs in different types of cancer through modulation of some pathways.

The Side effects1. People who has over production of IgM immunoglobulins which makes blood thicken should talk to their doctor before taking high amount of broccoli.
2. Allergic reaction??
3. Etc.

(1) Organ-specific exposure and response to sulforaphane, a key chemopreventive ingredient in broccoli: implications for cancer prevention by Veeranki OL, Bhattacharya A, Marshall JR, Zhang Y.(PubMed)
(2) Targeting cancer stem cells with sulforaphane, a dietary component from broccoli and broccoli sprouts by Li Y, Zhang T.(PubMed)

4. Cruciferous vegetables as antioxidants
Cruciferous vegetables are the group of  vegetables belonging to the family Brassicaceae, including cauliflower, cabbage, cress, bok choy, broccoli etc..
A free radical is any atom or molecule that has a single unpaired electron in an outer shell and highly reactive to react with other cell, which in turn, causes oxidative damage to the enzymes, other protein, unsaturated fatty acid, phospho-lipids, DNA and RNA, etc., leading to aging of the organisms, as a result of widespread damage due to set of a chain reaction auto-catalytically after attacking the lipid bilayers of the cell walls.

Nutrients and chemical constituents
1. Carbohydrates
2. Sugars
3. Dietary fiber
4. Omega 3 fatty acid
5. Protein
6. Beta-carotene
7. Lutein and
8. Zeaxanthin
9. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
10. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
11. Niacin (Vitamin B3)
12. Pantothenic acid (B5)
13. Vitamin B6
14. Folate (Vit. B9)
15. Vitamin C
16. Calcium
17. Tryptophan
18. Iron
19. Magnesium
20. Phosphorus
22. Zinc
23. Etc.
Its chemical constutuents include  glucosinolates, dithiolthiones, indoles , glucoraphanin, s-methyl cysteine sulfoxide, isothiocyanates, indole-3-carbinol, etc..

The benefits
Isothiocyanates, the major phytochemical found in cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli and watercress, have been studied extensively for its chemopreventive properties, as it enhances the detoxification processes of that prevent the initial activation of abnormal cell growth, including human cervical cancer cells, human pancreatic cancer cells, human hepatocellular carcinoma cells, human ovarian cancer cells. More evidences emerged to suggest that ITCs may not only prevent cancer initiation by altering carcinogen metabolism but also inhibit post-initiation cancer development by suppressing the process of tumor progression. Isothiocyanates, the may be chemopreventive agent also interacted with glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) to the process of cell detoxification. These results suggested that Isothiocyanates, may be the potential; agent in preventing and treating cancers.

The Side effects1. People who has over production of IgM immunoglobulins which makes blood thicken should talk to their doctor before taking high amount of broccoli.
2. Allergic reaction??
3. Etc.

(1) Cancer chemoprevention with dietary isothiocyanates mature for clinical translational research by Singh SV, Singh K.(PubMed)
(2) Organ-specific exposure and response to sulforaphane, a key chemopreventive ingredient in broccoli: implications for cancer prevention by Veeranki OL, Bhattacharya A, Marshall JR, Zhang Y.(PubMed)
(3) The anti-oxidant properties of isothiocyanates: a review by de Figueiredo SM, Filho SA, Nogueira-Machado JA, Caligiorne RB.(PubMed)

5. Cruciferous vegetables and bladder cancer
Cruciferous vegetables are the group of  vegetables belonging to the family Brassicaceae, including cauliflower, cabbage, cress, bok choy, broccoli etc.
The bladder is a hollow elastic organ in the center of the lower abdomen that collects urine from the kidneys and excreted them through the urethra.
Bladder cancer is most common type of cancer that effect men twice as frequently as it effects women. Usually it starts from the lining the bladder caused by several types of malignant growths of the urinary bladder cells
Nutrients and chemical constituents
1. Carbohydrates
2. Sugars
3. Dietary fiber
4. Omega 3 fatty acid
5. Protein
6. Beta-carotene
7. Lutein and
8. Zeaxanthin
9. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
10. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
11. Niacin (Vitamin B3)
12. Pantothenic acid (B5)
13. Vitamin B6
14. Folate (Vit. B9)
15. Vitamin C
16. Calcium
17. Tryptophan
18. Iron
19. Magnesium
20. Phosphorus
22. Zinc
23. Etc.
Its chemical constutuents include  glucosinolates, dithiolthiones, indoles , glucoraphanin, s-methyl cysteine sulfoxide, isothiocyanates, indole-3-carbinol, etc..

The effects
Epidemiologic evidence found the reduced incidence of bladder caner with intake of cruciferous vegetables as the result of phytochemicals consisted in them. The study of the effects of isothiocyanates in  normal, noninvasive (RT4), and invasive (J82, UMUC3) human urothelial cell, showed a positive Sulforaphane and erucin reduced the tumor weight. On the other hand, Sulforaphane (SF) activated the Nrf2, the master of antioxidant response in the bladder as well inhibition of the N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine, a major human bladder carcinogen in smokers to prevent the bladder cancer development. These results suggest that SF is a highly promising agent for bladder cancer prevention.

The Side effects1. People who has over production of IgM immunoglobulins which makes blood thicken should talk to their doctor before taking high amount of broccoli.
2. Allergic reaction??
3. Etc.

(1) Inhibition of bladder cancer by broccoli isothiocyanates sulforaphane and erucin: characterization, metabolism, and interconversion by Abbaoui B, Riedl KM, Ralston RA, Thomas-Ahner JM, Schwartz SJ, Clinton SK, Mortazavi A.(PubMed)
(2) Sulforaphane inhibits 4-aminobiphenyl-induced DNA damage in bladder cells and tissues by Ding Y, Paonessa JD, Randall KL, Argoti D, Chen L, Vouros P, Zhang Y.(PubMed)

6. Cruciferous vegetables and inflammatory bowel diseases
Cruciferous vegetables are the group of  vegetables belonging to the family Brassicaceae, including cauliflower, cabbage, cress, bok choy, broccoli etc.
Inflammatory bowel diseases is a condition of inflammation of the colon and small intestine, including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

Nutrients and chemical constituents
1. Carbohydrates
2. Sugars
3. Dietary fiber
4. Omega 3 fatty acid
5. Protein
6. Beta-carotene
7. Lutein and
8. Zeaxanthin
9. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
10. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
11. Niacin (Vitamin B3)
12. Pantothenic acid (B5)
13. Vitamin B6
14. Folate (Vit. B9)
15. Vitamin C
16. Calcium
17. Tryptophan
18. Iron
19. Magnesium
20. Phosphorus
22. Zinc
23. Etc.
Its chemical constutuents include  glucosinolates, dithiolthiones, indoles , glucoraphanin, s-methyl cysteine sulfoxide, isothiocyanates, indole-3-carbinol, etc..

The effects
Intake of blueberries and broccoli may be associated to reduced risk of inflammatory colonic diseases. In the study to evaluate the altered cecum microbiota of mice fed with either control diet or blueberry and broccoli supplementation, broccoli-supplemented diet mice showed a significantly lowered colonic inflammation compared to mice fed the control diet with lowered of translocation of total microbes to mesenteric lymph nodes. The result indicated that Dietary broccoli altered the composition and metabolism of the cecal microbiota and colon morphology as it altered the composition and metabolism of large intestine microbiota thus promoted colon health in humans. In high fat diet, broccoli fiber may contribute some protection in terms of colon morphology, due to the effects of fermentable dietary fiber in enhancing functions of some microbiota in cecum, as well as its function altered cecal short-chain fatty acids, and increased the colon crypt depth and the number of goblet cells per crypt in high- and low-fat diets. The result suggested that in take of broccoli may reduce the risk of inflammatory bowel disease.

The Side effects1. People who has over production of IgM immunoglobulins which makes blood thicken should talk to their doctor before taking high amount of broccoli.
2. Allergic reaction??
3. Etc.

(1) Influence of dietary blueberry and broccoli on cecal microbiota activity and colon morphology in mdr1a(-/-) mice, a model of inflammatory bowel diseases by Paturi G, Mandimika T, Butts CA, Zhu S, Roy NC, McNabb WC, Ansell J.(PubMed)
(2) Cecal and colonic responses in rats fed 5 or 30% corn oil diets containing either 7.5% broccoli dietary fiber or microcrystalline cellulose by Paturi G, Butts C, Monro J, Nones K, Martell S, Butler R, Sutherland J. (PubMed)

7. Cruciferous vegetables and bowel cancer
Cruciferous vegetables are the group of  vegetables belonging to the family Brassicaceae, including cauliflower, cabbage, cress, bok choy, broccoli etc.
Colon cancer defined as a condition of the abnormal proliferation of cells in the colon.

Nutrients and chemical constituents
1. Carbohydrates
2. Sugars
3. Dietary fiber
4. Omega 3 fatty acid
5. Protein
6. Beta-carotene
7. Lutein and
8. Zeaxanthin
9. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
10. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
11. Niacin (Vitamin B3)
12. Pantothenic acid (B5)
13. Vitamin B6
14. Folate (Vit. B9)
15. Vitamin C
16. Calcium
17. Tryptophan
18. Iron
19. Magnesium
20. Phosphorus
22. Zinc
23. Etc.
Its chemical constutuents include  glucosinolates, dithiolthiones, indoles , glucoraphanin, s-methyl cysteine sulfoxide, isothiocyanates, indole-3-carbinol, etc..

The benefits
Isothiocyanates, a major chemical constituents found in Cruciferous vegetables is best known for its benefit in protect against the forming of cancer, including colon cancer. Isothiocyanates interacted with glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) in prevention of irregular cell growth in the bowel in subjects with GSTM1 null genotype. But this protection is only limited to non smoker with GSTM1 null genotype. For people who smoke with GSTM1 null genotype, the risk of bowel cancer is increased substantially. Study of dietary isothiocyanates, glutathione S-transferase polymorphisms and colorectal cancer risk in the Singapore Chinese, showed no overall associations between GSTM1, T1 or P1 genotypes and colorectal cancer risk. However, among individuals with both GSTM1 and T1 null genotypes, there 57% reduction in risk among high consumption of ITC compared to those with low consumption.

The Side effects1. People who has over production of IgM immunoglobulins which makes blood thicken should talk to their doctor before taking high amount of broccoli.
2. Allergic reaction??
3. Etc.

(1) Glutathione transferase null genotype, broccoli, and lower prevalence of colorectal adenomas by Lin HJ, Probst-Hensch NM, Louie AD, Kau IH, Witte JS, Ingles SA, Frankl HD, Lee ER, Haile RW.(PubMed)
(2) Glutathione transferase (GSTM1) null genotype, smoking, and prevalence of colorectal adenomas by Lin HJ, Probst-Hensch NM, Ingles SA, Han CY, Lin BK, Lee DB, Frankl HD, Lee ER, Longnecker MP, Haile RW.(PubMed)
(3) Glutathione transferase (GSTM1) null genotype, smoking, and prevalence of colorectal adenomas by Lin HJ, Probst-Hensch NM, Ingles SA, Han CY, Lin BK, Lee DB, Frankl HD, Lee ER, Longnecker MP, Haile RW.(PubMed)
(4) Dietary isothiocyanates, glutathione S-transferase polymorphisms and colorectal cancer risk in the Singapore Chinese Health Study by Seow A, Yuan JM, Sun CL, Van Den Berg D, Lee HP, Yu MC.(PubMed)

8. Cruciferous vegetables and Lung cancer
Cruciferous vegetables are the group of  vegetables belonging to the family Brassicaceae, including cauliflower, cabbage, cress, bok choy, broccoli etc.
Lung cancer is defined as a condition of the abnormal growth of the cells in the lung's tissue. Most common form of primary lung cancers are derived from epithelial cells. In Us, Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths, causing 158,683 people deaths, including 88,329 men and 70,354 women, according to 2007 statistic.

Nutrients and chemical constituents
1. Carbohydrates
2. Sugars
3. Dietary fiber
4. Omega 3 fatty acid
5. Protein
6. Beta-carotene
7. Lutein and
8. Zeaxanthin
9. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
10. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
11. Niacin (Vitamin B3)
12. Pantothenic acid (B5)
13. Vitamin B6
14. Folate (Vit. B9)
15. Vitamin C
16. Calcium
17. Tryptophan
18. Iron
19. Magnesium
20. Phosphorus
22. Zinc
23. Etc.
Its chemical constutuents include  glucosinolates, dithiolthiones, indoles , glucoraphanin, s-methyl cysteine sulfoxide, isothiocyanates, indole-3-carbinol, etc..

The benefits
Isothiocyanates, found in Cruciferous vegetables  is best known for its anti cancer activities in scientific community due to recent studies in human cancer cells. In the study of benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC), beta-phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) derived from Isothiocyanates, on metastatic potential of highly metastatic human lung cancer L9981 cells, showed both derivatives  inhibited L9981 cell growth in a dose-dependent manner, with cell migrations were reduced to 8.1% and 16.5% of control, respectively; and cell invasions were reduced to 2.7% and 7.3% of control, respectively. But the study in evaluation of dietary isothiocyanates and lung cancer using a population-based case-control study of 933 African Americans and Caucasians (non-Hispanic U.S. White) from Los Angeles County, California (311 cases; 622 controls, found that consuming more cruciferous vegetables did not vary by race (P = 0.52 but the reduced risk of lung cancer with higher isothiocyanate intake may be slightly stronger among subjects with deletion of GSTM1.

The Side effects1. People who has over production of IgM immunoglobulins which makes blood thicken should talk to their doctor before taking high amount of broccoli.
2. Allergic reaction??
3. Etc.

(1) Isothiocyanates induce oxidative stress and suppress the metastasis potential of human non-small cell lung cancer cells and Wu X, Zhu Y, Yan H, Liu B, Li Y, Zhou Q, Xu K.(PubMed)
(2) Dietary isothiocyanates, glutathione S-transferase M1 (GSTM1), and lung cancer risk in African Americans and Caucasians from Los Angeles County, California by Carpenter CL, Yu MC, London SJ.(PubMed)

9. Cruciferous vegetables and cervicalcancer
Cruciferous vegetables are the group of  vegetables belonging to the family Brassicaceae, including cauliflower, cabbage, cress, bok choy, broccoli etc.
Cervical cancer is defined as a condition of the abnormal growth of the cells in the  cervix tissues.

Nutrients and chemical constituents
1. Carbohydrates
2. Sugars
3. Dietary fiber
4. Omega 3 fatty acid
5. Protein
6. Beta-carotene
7. Lutein and
8. Zeaxanthin
9. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
10. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
11. Niacin (Vitamin B3)
12. Pantothenic acid (B5)
13. Vitamin B6
14. Folate (Vit. B9)
15. Vitamin C
16. Calcium
17. Tryptophan
18. Iron
19. Magnesium
20. Phosphorus
22. Zinc
23. Etc.
Its chemical constutuents include  glucosinolates, dithiolthiones, indoles , glucoraphanin, s-methyl cysteine sulfoxide, isothiocyanates, indole-3-carbinol, etc..

The effects
Evidences of inhibition of tumors and the growth of several types of cultured human cancer cells of Isothiocyanates, a natural phytochamincal found in cruciferous vegetables has been confirmed in animal models. The study of inhibitory effects of BITC and PEITC on metastatic potential of highly metastatic human lung cancer L9981 cells, showed that both benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC) and beta-phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC), derived from Isothiocyanates inhibited L9981 cell growth in a dose-dependent manner, by reduced migration and invasion of L9981 cell, regulating metastasis-related gene expression and inhibition of Akt/NFkappaB pathway which plays an important role in regulating viral replication, autoimmune diseases, the inflammatory response, tumorigenesis and apoptosis. Other study suggested that BITC and PEITC also suppressed the metastasis potential of highly metastatic lung cancer cells by inducing apoptosis and cell cycle arrest, via targeting the MAPK/AP-1 pathway.

The Side effects1. People who has over production of IgM immunoglobulins which makes blood thicken should talk to their doctor before taking high amount of broccoli.
2. Allergic reaction??
3. Etc.

(1) Isothiocyanates induce oxidative stress and suppress the metastasis potential of human non-small cell lung cancer cells by Wu X, Zhu Y, Yan H, Liu B, Li Y, Zhou Q, Xu K.(PubMed)

10. Cruciferous vegetables and Endometrial cancer
Cruciferous vegetables are the group of  vegetables belonging to the family Brassicaceae, including cauliflower, cabbage, cress, bok choy, broccoli etc.
Endometrium is the inner lining of the mammalian uterus and very susceptible hormone change, particular to menstrual cycle. Endometrial cancer is a late adulthood cancer defined as a condition of which the cells of the endometrial lining of uterus have growth uncontrollable or become cancerous as a result of the alternation of cells DNA. It's the fourth most common cancer among women overall, after breast cancer, lung cancer, and bowel cancer.

Nutrients and chemical constituents
1. Carbohydrates
2. Sugars
3. Dietary fiber
4. Omega 3 fatty acid
5. Protein
6. Beta-carotene
7. Lutein and
8. Zeaxanthin
9. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
10. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
11. Niacin (Vitamin B3)
12. Pantothenic acid (B5)
13. Vitamin B6
14. Folate (Vit. B9)
15. Vitamin C
16. Calcium
17. Tryptophan
18. Iron
19. Magnesium
20. Phosphorus
22. Zinc
23. Etc.
Its chemical constutuents include  glucosinolates, dithiolthiones, indoles , glucoraphanin, s-methyl cysteine sulfoxide, isothiocyanates, indole-3-carbinol, etc..

The effects
The prevalence of endometrial cancer is very common in women in US. some researchers suggested this may the result of widespread of obesity in the female population.  In the evaluation of one cohort study and 16 case-control studies in various aspects of consumption, showed that intake of Cruciferous vegetables is associated to decreased risk of Endometrial cancer. Other in rat study of the effects of Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) found in cruciferous vegetables, found that dietary I3C inhibited spontaneous occurrence of endometrial adenocarcinoma. These results suggested that daily intake of
Cruciferous vegetables are necessary for women in reducing risk of endometrial cancer. Unfortunately, in certain study, dietary Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) is associated in increased risk of endometrial cancer, as induction of Cytochrome P450 enzymes family 1  in the liver and sequential modulation of estrogen metabolism to increased 4HE might promote the effects of dietary I3C on the development of endometrial cancer. 

The Side effects1. People who has over production of IgM immunoglobulins which makes blood thicken should talk to their doctor before taking high amount of broccoli.
2. Allergic reaction??
3. Etc.

(1) Fruits and vegetables and endometrial cancer risk: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis by Bandera EV, Kushi LH, Moore DF, Gifkins DM, McCullough ML.(PubMed)
(2) Chemoprevention of spontaneous endometrial cancer in female Donryu rats by dietary indole-3-carbinol by Kojima T, Tanaka T, Mori H.(PubMed)
(3) Dietary indole-3-carbinol promotes endometrial adenocarcinoma development in rats initiated with N-ethyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, with induction of cytochrome P450s in the liver and consequent modulation of estrogen metabolism by Yoshida M, Katashima S, Ando J, Tanaka T, Uematsu F, Nakae D, Maekawa A.(PubMed)

11. Cruciferous vegetables and Liver cancer
Cruciferous vegetables are the group of  vegetables belonging to the family Brassicaceae, including cauliflower, cabbage, cress, bok choy, broccoli etc.
Liver cancer is defined as a condition of out of controlled growth of hepatocellular cells in the liver. Since the organ is a soft tissue with less nerve, most liver cancer patient are diagnosed in the later stage of the cancer. According to the statistic, liver cancer remains the fifth most common malignancy in men and the eighth in women worldwide.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a common form of primary liver cancer.

Nutrients and chemical constituents
1. Carbohydrates
2. Sugars
3. Dietary fiber
4. Omega 3 fatty acid
5. Protein
6. Beta-carotene
7. Lutein and
8. Zeaxanthin
9. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
10. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
11. Niacin (Vitamin B3)
12. Pantothenic acid (B5)
13. Vitamin B6
14. Folate (Vit. B9)
15. Vitamin C
16. Calcium
17. Tryptophan
18. Iron
19. Magnesium
20. Phosphorus
22. Zinc
23. Etc.
Its chemical constutuents include  glucosinolates, dithiolthiones, indoles , glucoraphanin, s-methyl cysteine sulfoxide, isothiocyanates, indole-3-carbinol, etc..

The effects
The studies of dietary of Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) found in Cruciferous vegetables have yielded conflict results. In the study of the the development of glutathione S-transferase placental form (GST-P)-positive liver cell foci in a newborn rat hepatocarcinogenesis system totest for the effects of I3C, the result showed that I3C exerts its anti liver cancer effects in post initiation stage and pre-initiation stage in the medium-term liver bioassay. Other in the study of  the effect of  indole-3-carbinol (I3C), a cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A(enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of organic substances.) inducer found in cruciferous vegetables in male rats, showed that I3C enhances microsomal ROS  (Reactive oxygen species) production of which overwhelming the antioxidant effect of Nrf2-related genes. This imbalance may be associated to the development of liver cancer.

The Side effects1. People who has over production of IgM immunoglobulins which makes blood thicken should talk to their doctor before taking high amount of broccoli.
2. Allergic reaction??
3. Etc.

(1) Biphasic modifying effect of indole-3-carbinol on diethylnitrosamine-induced preneoplastic glutathione S-transferase placental form-positive liver cell foci in Sprague-Dawley rats by Kim DJ, Lee KK, Han BS, Ahn B, Bae JH, Jang JJ.(PubMed)
(2) Indole-3-carbinol enhances oxidative stress responses resulting in the induction of preneoplastic liver cell lesions in partially hepatectomized rats initiated with diethylnitrosamine by Shimamoto K, Dewa Y, Ishii Y, Kemmochi S, Taniai E, Hayashi H, Imaoka M, Morita R, Kuwata K, Suzuki K, Shibutani M, Mitsumori K.(PubMed)

12. Cruciferous vegetables and Ovarian cancer
Cruciferous vegetables are the group of  vegetables belonging to the family Brassicaceae, including cauliflower, cabbage, cress, bok choy, broccoli etc.
Ovarian cancer is defined as a condition of abnormal cells growth of ovarian cells as that have become cancerous. It is one of most common cancer in US, according to the statistics adapted from the American Cancer Society's publication, Cancer Facts & Figures 2010, an estimated 21,880 women in the United States will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer and 13,850 deaths.

Nutrients and chemical constituents
1. Carbohydrates
2. Sugars
3. Dietary fiber
4. Omega 3 fatty acid
5. Protein
6. Beta-carotene
7. Lutein and
8. Zeaxanthin
9. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
10. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
11. Niacin (Vitamin B3)
12. Pantothenic acid (B5)
13. Vitamin B6
14. Folate (Vit. B9)
15. Vitamin C
16. Calcium
17. Tryptophan
18. Iron
19. Magnesium
20. Phosphorus
22. Zinc
23. Etc.
Its chemical constutuents include  glucosinolates, dithiolthiones, indoles , glucoraphanin, s-methyl cysteine sulfoxide, isothiocyanates, indole-3-carbinol, etc..

The effects
Although conflict results of ingredient of Indole-3-carbinol in Cruciferous vegetables are still in debate, studies of the effects of I3C in therapeutic potential are still ongoing. In the study to compare the effect of I3C bortezomib and cisplatin in several human ovarian cancer cell lines, showed a positive effects, as  co-treatment with I3C and bortezomib significantly inhibited tumour growth and reduced tumour weight compared with either drug alone. Other in the investigation of a a total of 1468 cancers of the oral cavity/pharynx, 505 of the esophagus, 230 of the stomach, 2390 of the colorectum, 185 of the liver, 326 of the pancreas, 852 of the larynx, 3034 of the breast, 367 of the endometrium, 1031 of the ovary, 1294 of the prostate, 767 of the kidney, and 11,492 controls, showed that consumption of cruciferous vegetables at least once a week as compared with no/occasional consumption was significantly reduced for cancer of the oral cavity/pharynx esophagus, colorectum breast, and kidney  but not significant, for stomach, liver, pancreatic, laryngeal, endometrial , ovarian, and prostate cancer.

The Side effects1. People who has over production of IgM immunoglobulins which makes blood thicken should talk to their doctor before taking high amount of broccoli.
2. Allergic reaction??
3. Etc.

(1) Indole-3-carbinol synergistically sensitises ovarian cancer cells to bortezomib treatment.
Taylor-Harding B, Agadjanian H, Nassanian H, Kwon S, Guo X, Miller C, Karlan BY, Orsulic S, Walsh CS.(PubMed)
(2) Cruciferous vegetables and cancer risk in a network of case-control studies by Bosetti C, Filomeno M, Riso P, Polesel J, Levi F, Talamini R, Montella M, Negri E, Franceschi S, La Vecchia C.(PubMed)
13. Cruciferous vegetables and ischemia-reperfusion
Cruciferous vegetables are the group of  vegetables belonging to the family Brassicaceae, including cauliflower, cabbage, cress, bok choy, broccoli etc.
Ischemia-reperfusion is a condition of damage caused of blood supply returns to the tissue after a period of ischemia or lack of oxygen.

Nutrients and chemical constituents
1. Carbohydrates
2. Sugars
3. Dietary fiber
4. Omega 3 fatty acid
5. Protein
6. Beta-carotene
7. Lutein and
8. Zeaxanthin
9. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
10. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
11. Niacin (Vitamin B3)
12. Pantothenic acid (B5)
13. Vitamin B6
14. Folate (Vit. B9)
15. Vitamin C
16. Calcium
17. Tryptophan
18. Iron
19. Magnesium
20. Phosphorus
22. Zinc
23. Etc.
Its chemical constutuents include  glucosinolates, dithiolthiones, indoles , glucoraphanin, s-methyl cysteine sulfoxide, isothiocyanates, indole-3-carbinol, etc..

The effects
Intake of Cruciferous vegetables are known for antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic effects. In rat study to evaluate whether dietary broccoli sprouts can protect the heart from ischemia-reperfusion, rat fed with a diet mixed with 2% dried broccoli sprouts for 10 days, showed  broccoli sprout exerted its strongly protect the heart against oxidative stress and cell death caused by ischemia-reperfusion in a relatively short dietary treatment. Other in the study of the same but with Sulforaphane, a chemical constituent in Cruciferous vegetables, showed a protective effects of sulforaphane against I/R injury may be partly mediated through the mitochondrial KATP channel, (as it may function as a trigger that sets the myocardium into a preconditioned state via the generation of oxygen-derived free radicals)and antioxidant pathway. As Decreases on Mn-superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and heme oxygenase-1 levels by I/R were increased by sulforaphane treatment.

The Side effects1. People who has over production of IgM immunoglobulins which makes blood thicken should talk to their doctor before taking high amount of broccoli.
2. Allergic reaction??
3. Etc.

(1) Dietary broccoli sprouts protect against myocardial oxidative damage and cell death during ischemia-reperfusion by Akhlaghi M, Bandy B.(PubMed)
(2) Sulforaphane protects ischemic injury of hearts through antioxidant pathway and mitochondrial K(ATP) channels by Piao CS, Gao S, Lee GH, Kim do S, Park BH, Chae SW, Chae HJ, Kim SH.(PubMed)

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